British Columbia Sea Kayaking
Desolation Sound

Desolation Sound, is a fantastic area for sea kayakers! In spite of its name, Desolation Sound is not desolate (Captain Vancouver would have disagreed). Actually, the Sound is the largest protected marine park in Canada -- jutting into the Pacific mainland coast of British Columbia. Sea kayakers to this area have 37 miles of (mostly protected) coastline to explore and near zero development (click for Google map).

Sea kayakers head into fjord-like Toba Inlet, north west of Desolation Sound on the BC, Canada coastline. Go Northwest! photo by Dave Dean.

Sea kayakers are frequently drawn to Desolation Sound due to it's reputation for warm protected waters and majestic scenery. Imagine swimming in ocean waters that warm to 79-degrees Fahrenheit - hard to believe but it's doable in summer months, in Desolation Sound.

Marine life abounds in Desolation Sound -- many inlets are brimming with oysters, cod, shrimp and jellyfish. Sea kayakers should note than an abundance of oysters also leads to an abundance of barnacle-encrusted shoreline - kayakers must be careful when landing. Scraping a kayak hull against a shoreline full of oysters can result in a fair amount of hull damage. Also, sea kayakers must do their navigational preparation ahead of time and be forewarned - some of the more remote inlets in this area, such as Toba Inlet, have very little kayak-approachable shoreline due to a more fjord-like geography (the shoreline is vertical).

Desolation Sound and its inlets really are an ideal location for sea kayakers to experience. Many sea kayakers undertake their first multi-day trip on these mostly protected and sunny waters. Venturing out with a guide or outfitter is still recommended due to the level of boat traffic and the remoteness of the area (click for BC Parks info. on Desolation Sound).

Guides and Outfitters

Go With The Flow Kayaking Adventures. 1489 Schooner Road, Heriot Bay, BC V0P 1N0. Phone: 250-287-0946; Toll-free: 1-888-435-2925. E-mail

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