About the Northwest
Northwest Visitors

The Pacific Northwest does not usually make the top ten in various USA-wide travel statistics, but the numbers are sizeable nonetheless.

In 1998 Washington ranked 14th out of the US states with 541,000 overseas visitors (excluding those from Canada and Mexico). Most of these stop in at Seattle, which ranked as the 17th most popular city with 474,000 visitors. In 1998 Oregon ranked 23rd out of the US states with 261,000 overseas visitors. Portland ranked as the 33rd most popular city with 190,000 visitors.

As defined by Go Northwest!, the Pacific Northwest region spans the USA and Canada. As might be expected, they each provide the other with the majority of international travelers.

After France, the United States is the second most popular destination in the world with nearly 50 million international visitors each year. Nearly half these visitors are Mexicans or Canadians. In 1997, of the 15 million Canadians staying one or more nights in the United States, 1,900,000 visited Washington, 565,000 visited Montana, 392,000 visited Oregon, and 235,000 visited Idaho. Canada receives more than 17 million international visitors each year, about one in four of whom are from the USA. So statistically speaking, when traveling in the United States, the nationalities of international fellow travelers are most likely to be Canadians, Mexicans, Japanese, British or German.

Altogether, Washington state receives about 7.6-million American and overseas visitors, and tourism is the state's fourth largest industry.

(Sources: Canada Tourism)

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